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International eConference

On Business, Management and Entrepreneurship: (ICBUME 2023) Theme: Sustainable Digital Business, Management and Entrepreneurship as an Integrated Dimension in the Post Pandemic Era

October 2-3, 2023

As World War II neared its brutal and destructive end, Britain’s then Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, famously stated that the world must “never let a good crisis go to waste”. This statement almost single-handedly inspired an entire generation to rebuild society for the better, doing away with languishing traditions in favour of fast innovation on a global scale. As perhaps the most influential and all-encompassing crisis to affect the globe since WWII, the COVID-19 pandemic can be viewed as our generation’s very own mass crisis that too must be used as an opportunity to reshape and rebuild our future for the better.

As many businesses have been forced to close their doors as a result of the global disruption, it is time for our entrepreneurs to take center stage and begin laying the foundation for a thriving future global economy.

As the world shows albeit slow signs of a return to a ‘new normal’ life post-pandemic, entrepreneurs will be essential drivers to kick-start the global economy. Despite the many challenges governments, industries, and businesses face, there also lie new opportunities for entrepreneurs to take advantage to develop future jobs and roles for the economy.

Global business re-emergence in the coming years will depend heavily on innovative entrepreneurial mind-sets that favour calculated risks, leveraging of technologies, and agile methodologies to be able to adapt quickly to new and unknown challenges.

As the pandemic cut most countries at the knees, the world cannot solely rely on governments to take on the responsibility of rebuilding our economy. For all their efforts, no government is capable of devising and actioning growth strategies en masse fast enough. However, governments in developing nations are trying to provide support to entrepreneurs as local governments are unable to roll out quick business relief plans. According to the World Economic Forum, ‘results suggest that governments have an immediate opportunity to use the reset post-COVID-19 to course-correct their entrepreneurship development efforts and design policy that stimulates activity from the bottom up. To do so, they must begin by identifying the needs of local entrepreneurs”.

Now more than ever, it is up to the private sector to help carry the load and offer more viable and innovative solutions to ensure a speedy, safe, and promising economic future.


To encourage regional and international communication and collaboration among academics, corporate think tanks to present their experiences and thought in the post pandemic era.

To recognize outstanding contributions of individuals and organizations towards the sustainable digital business.

To promote scientific and educational activities towards the advancement of the theory and practice in the field of Business and Management.

To foster and conduct collaborative multidisciplinary research in methodologies and technologies of Entrepreneurship and Business.


    • Management Perspectives
    • Digital Business Implications
    • Entrepreneurship Prospects  
    • Social and Psychological Dimensions

We invite academicians, researchers, policy makers and practitioners to submit research papers linked to the tracks of the eConference.

Abstract Due Date: Until – September 15, 2023

Full Paper Due Date: Until – September 25, 2023

Early Bird Registration: By: August 31, 2023

Registration Closes: September 25, 2023

Standard template for the PPT for the oral presentation will be send upon completion of the registration and each presenter will be allocated 15 minutes for Presentation with Q&A.

Abstract: Maximum 250-300 words with 4 Key Words.

Title of Paper should be in 12 Points and Bold in Times New Roman

Headings: 12 Points

Font: Times New Roman

Author Name and Affiliation should be in 10 Points and Bold

Text of the Manuscript: 11 Points

Page Margins should be as follows – Top Margin 1.2 inches, Bottom Margin 0.6-inch, Left Margin 0.8-inch, Right Margin 0.6 inch

References must be present. Papers without references will not be reviewed. Please use APA Referencing Style.

Length of full paper is limited to 10 Pages. There can be a Maximum of four authors per paper.






02 October  2023



Management Perspectives  

1.30 pm – 3.30 pm

02 October  2023



Digital Business Implications

3.30 pm – 5.30 pm

03 October  2023



Entrepreneurship Prospects

1.30 pm – 3.30 pm

03 October  2023



Social and Psychological Dimensions

3.30 pm – 5.30 pm

 *Malaysian Standard Time

Paper Presenter (Early Bird US$45 (RM 200) Normal US$60 (RM 270). FREE Registration for Keynote Speaker and Attendees.

Bank Account Details

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Account Holder

Binary University Sdn Bhd

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Puchong Jaya

Bank Address

10, Jalan Kenari Satu, Bandar Puchong Jaya, 47100 Selangor, Malaysia

All the paper presenters, participants, key note speaker and strategic partners will be provided with Digital Certificate from The Centre of Advancement of Management (CAM) & Asia Centre for Entrepreneurship (ACE) at Binary University.

The Centre for Advancement of Management (CAM) at Binary University and Asia Centre for Entrepreneurship (ACE) is organizing the International e Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship: (ICBUME 2023) Sustainable Digital Business, Management and Entrepreneurship as an Integrated Dimension in the Post Pandemic Era

All the full papers submitted in this International e Conference will be published in a e Conference Proceedings from Binary University and with further scope to publish* these papers in ERA indexed journals.

 *Terms and Conditions Apply

Please note that the papers published will reflect co –authorship with Binary Academics with expertise in the relevant fields who will contribute to content enhancement of published papers.