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MyBIG 2024
MyBinary International Grant

About MyBIG 2024

In conjunction with Binary University’s 40th Anniversary in 2024, the Senate of Binary University has approved a special grant to help reduce the financial burden of parents, working professionals  and students from Malaysia as well as international students from selected developing countries. This special grant known as the MyBinary International Grant is open to all Malaysians and international students from developing countries to pursue Bachelor and Master degrees for the academic year of 2024.

All applicants accepted under the MyBinary International Grant will enjoy a 50% subsidy of the yearly tuition fees. This grant is only open to students who enroll for the July and September 2024 intakes. Successful applicants need only pay the remaining 50% of the tuition fees per year for the entire duration of their studies.

The Following are the programs that full-time Malaysian and International students may apply under the MyBIG for the  July-Sept 2024 intakes.


Since 1984, thousands of working professionals have benefited from the modular, flexible and affordable Part-Time Study programs offered at Binary. You may complete the Bachelor degree in 3 years, Masters in 2 years or PhD / DBA in 4 years.

Working professionals can pursue the following courses on part-time basis


Bachelors (Every Monday and Wednesday : 6.30pm – 9.30pm)

Masters (2 Saturdays per month : 10am – 5pm)

PhD (2 Saturdays per month : 10am – 5.00pm)

DBA (1 DAY  per month : 10.00am – 5.00pm)


The Foundation Degree in Arts (FDA) at Binary University prepares ‘O’ Levels and Grade 10 high school – leavers for direct entry into the First Year of any one of our Undergraduate Degree. The Binary FDA is unique in that it allows students to diagnose a wide range of Pre University subject areas in the first 2 semesters and when students have a better understanding of University degree options, presents multiple pathways in Accounting, Business, Marketing, Entrepreneurship or IT in the final semester for one to specialize in.

The uniqueness of the FDA are :

  • It takes away the pressure from high school-leavers who often have to make the very difficult decision whether to choose a Foundation in Arts, Science, Communication or Accounting.
  • The FDA opens numerous degree pathway opportunities as students can opt to do a degree in Accounting, Business, Marketing, Entrepreneurship or IT/ Computer Science.
  • The FDA provides you opportunities for interdisciplinary study with an emphasis on problem solving and analytical skills, thus helping to unlock your fullest potential.
  • You will be able interact with international students which will provide you with rich intercultural experiences, thus preparing you to become a truly global graduate in the future.


The programme aims to equip students with a sound knowledge in Arts, Business and IT thus preparing one adequately for university level education and career development.


Upon completion of this programme, you will be able

  • To utilise facts to describe and discuss concepts, principles, and processes in the broad areas of Arts, IT and business.
  • To identify, analyse and solve problems using innovative strategies.
  • To conduct academic activities such as collect, analyse, organise, and process data/information to make conclusions individually or in groups;
  • To communicate effectively orally and in writing;
  • To Utilise digital technology applications to seek and process data related to a specific field of study; and
  • To interpret, and use relevant information to pursue higher learning independently.


The FDA is a 3 semester full time programme offered over a 12 month period. Entry into the programme is ‘O’ Levels with minimum 5 credits.


1 Year

Program Diploma Sains Komputer mula ditawarkan pada tahun 1989. Program ini telah melahirkan lebih 20000 graduan. Matlamat utama program Diploma Sains Komputer adalah untuk memenuhi keperluan sektor PKS (Perniagaan Kecil dan Sederhana) atau SME (Small Medium Enterprise). Terdapat lebih daripada 950,000 majikan PKS di Malaysia 65% daripada semua pekerjaan di Malaysia ditawarkan oleh sektor PKS. Hampir 90% daripada majikan PKS menawarkan perkhidmatan perniagaan dan oleh itu memerlukan graduan-graduan yang mempunyai kemahiran berkaitan dengan pengkomputeran, Pemprosesan maklumat dan sebagainya.

Oleh yang demikian, graduan Diploma Sains Komputer mempunyai masa depan yang amat cerah. Ini adalah satu sebab utama mengapa graduan Diploma Sains Komputer menikmati kebolehpasaran pekerjaan yang cemerlang iaitu pada kadar 96% – 100% setiap tahun.


This degree is designed in collaboration with the World’s Leading Acoounting Professional Bodies and Practioners.

Whether in good or bad times, accountants are always needed. Whether it is small firms or big conglomerates, accountants are always required. The demand for accountants is constantly high. Salaries of Certified Public Accountants or CPAs are much higher than other graduates.

The BA (Hons) in Accounting offers students with many career pathways including becoming a chartered accountant, management accountant financial and tax consultant, financial manager etc. Many qualified accountants move on to occupy top management posts including that of Presidents and CEOs of large companies.


The BA (Hons) in Accounting is a globally-recognised degree that has been designed to meet the needs of people planning for a successful career in Accounting, Finance, Auditing and Taxation. This 3-year degree provides a sound foundation in accounting, auditing, taxation and finance, enabling graduates to become qualified chartered accountants, Graduates enjoy direct associate membership to CPA ( Australia ) and wide exemptions from ACCA (UK). This degree also provides special advantages for those who wish to migrate to Australia, Canadas or UK.


Upon completion of this degree, graduates will be able

  • To prepare financial statements in accordance with international accounting standards.
  • To provide financial and non-financial information to help organizations make informed decisions.
  • To use and evaluate information technologies and systems for the attainment of organizational objectives.
  • To prepare tax computation and advise tax advisory matters for individuals and business entities.
  • To apply the knowledge of audit in accordance with approved auditing standards.
  • To be innovative, think critically and suggest possible solutions to accounting issues.
  • To work collaboratively in a management team and communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with different stakeholders.
  • To evaluate accounting issues consistent with professional ethics and social responsibility.
  • To demonstrate leadership qualities and entrepreneurial skills.


3 Years


With over 10000 real entreprenuers in our ecosystem, you will start your business in the 2nd Year of the BET and this is the ONLY degree where you can exit with a plan to become a Future Millionare.


As an entrepreneur, you can bring your ideas to life, pursue your passion, become financially independent and have the creative freedom to call your own shots. You can also impact the lives of many people and above all build an organization that will last beyond your lifetime. In short, entrepreneurship is one of the most exciting careers you can indulge in as it can give you  the personal fulfillment that no jobs can provide you !!


The programme aims to produce professional entrepreneurs who are creative and innovative with excellent entrepreneurial, management and leadership skills, who have in depth industry- specific knowledge.


With over 10000 real entreprenuers in our ecosystem, you will start your business in the 2nd Year of the BET and this is the ONLY degree where you can exit with a plan to become a Future Millionare.


Upon completion of this programme, you will be able to

  • Evaluate latest theories and concepts in Entrepreneurship;
  • Communicate creative and innovative ideas effectively;
  • Apply critical thinking skills for decision making in Entrepreneurship;
  • Display innovative entrepreneurial skills;
  • Demonstrate leadership, teamwork, communication and social skills in accordance with ethical and legal practices in Entrepreneurship; and
  • Apply the skills and principles of lifelong learning in their academic and career development in Entrepreneurship.


3 Years


Good manager are required by all organisations, all over the world. Binary’s Management degree is unique.. it equips you with the latest in IR 4.0 and technology Skills. Apart from managing people , finance, HR, operations and marketing, you can also learn about Cloud Computing, IOT, AI, business & Data Analytics, Cybersecurity because , tomorrow’a manager must be tech-savvy to be able to manage efficiently and effectively any kind of resources of a company.

The business world of today offers business degree graduates with a wide range of job opportunities in Marketing, HR, Office Management, Public relations and many more. You can also choose to work locally, regionally or globally as business graduates are required in every industry that exists in the world today.

What you must understand is that employers are constantly on the lookout for talents and not just graduates.These talents must have the relevant knowledge and skills to make a difference to their organizations. If you are such a talent, the sky is the limit for you to grow and succeed in the exciting world of business.

To transform you to be a really sought after talent, the Binary BABM (Hons) degree equips one with an in-depth knowledge of current best practices, post covid relevant skills and transforms you into an entrepreneurial manager who is technologically savoy. So, if you are looking for a business degree that can launch your career to great heights, the Binary BBAM is the one.


The aim of the BABM is to produce entrepreneurial managers who are Industry Specialist Professionals (ISPs) and tech savvy. The degree provides a thorough grounding in all aspects of business, technology and management, thus enabling graduates to work in wide range of business functions including Marketing, HRM, Finance, Office Management, Public Relations, Advertising, Operation etc.


Upon completion of this programme, you will be able

  • To “walk and talk” the language of a specific industry as an ISP.
  • To harness the power of technology to elevate your company’s status and performance.
  • To plan, organize and execute strategies to achieve organizational goals.
  • To write and present excellent business proposals to expand a business.
  • To understand and interpret financial statements.
  • To recommend innovative marketing strategies for use in digital and conventional platforms.
  • To exhibit good problem solving skills and offer cost effective solutions.
  • To evaluate and recommend industry-specific business strategies.


3 Years


Every business organization, NGO and even the public sector needs to market its services and products. A Marketing career is extremely rewarding to those who possess up to date marketing knowledge and industry-specific skills. A marketing degree is very valueable as it can lead to a myriad of jobs including those in advertising, product marketing, market research, sales, public relations, brand management and managing VIPs.


The BA (Hons) in Marketing aims to produce Industry Specialist Professional marketers who are highly entrepreneurial saught after by forward thinking corporations.


Upon completion of this programme, you will be able to

  • Communicate effectively with peers, clients, superiors and society at large.
  • Demonstrate teamwork, leadership, interpersonal and social skills.
  • Utilise relevant techniques and demonstrate analytical and critical thinking skills in problem solving.
  • Demonstrate professionalism and social and ethical consideration in accordance with ethical and legal principles.
  • Apply broad business and real world perspectives daily and demonstrate entrepreneurial skills.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of essential facts, concepts, principles and theories relating to management.
  • Demonstrate understanding of what it takes for a business to be successful.
  • Apply best pratices of marketing of technology management in relevant areas of management.
  • Be able to plan, design and manage, marketing applications with the relevant technology to enhance organisational performance.
  • Apply skills and principles of lifelong learning in academic and career development.


3 Years



With over 10000 real entreprenuers in our ecosystem, you will start your business in the 2nd Year of the BET and this is the ONLY degree where you can exit with a plan to become a Future Millionare.

The use of technology has never been so widespread worldwide as it is now. Computer science which is at the heart of computing is at an exciting stage in its evolution as a discipline and as a technology. Its recent developments include AI, Data Analytics, Cybersecurity, Cloud computing, IoT, Mobile application development, Artificial intelligence and many more.

While the use of computer automation in almost every sphere of life have one common feature: they depend on well-designed computing solutions that solve com­plex problems which are error-free, fast and reliable, the future has moved forwards AI, Data Analytics and Cybersecurity collectively IR 4.0 Skills.

Offered under the Binary School of Technology Management, the oldest IT School in Malaysia, the BSc Computer Science has an alumni spanning over 60 countries and working in top IT firms such as Google, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, Facebook etc.


The Binary BSc (Hons) Computer Science degree is unique is that it provides a strong foundation in the latest technologies and equips one with the knowledge and skills to solve complex computing technology and business problems in an innovative manner. The degree aims to produce Industry Specialist Professionals (ISP) who are IT savvy and possess the entrepreneurial mindset to solve challenging problems.


Upon completion of this programme, you will be able

  • To demonstrate the latest knowledge and practical applications in a specialist area such as Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, Cloud Computing, etc.
  • To understand how information technology affects society, business and the individual, both from a technical, ethical and legal point of view.
  • To demonstrate knowledge of algorithm design and use of efficient data structres.
  • To have an in-depth understanding of the appropriate theory, practices, languages and latest tools that may be deployed for the specification, design, implementation and evaluation of computer-based systems.
  • To be able to work as an effective Project Manager and be a member of an IT development team.
  • To develop a range of cognitive abilities and skills relevant to the task of designing, developing and evaluating programmed solutions to business problems.


With over 10000 real entreprenuers in our ecosystem, you will start your business in the 2nd Year of the BET and this is the ONLY degree where you can exit with a plan to become a Future Millionare.


3 Years


The world is facing a huge shortage of Technical Managers. This degree is designed to address this shortage by creating talents with unique skills for the global market.

If you have completed a diploma in engineering, science or any other technical field and wish to occupy higher paying management positions, the BSc (Hons) Management of Technology is the right programme for you. If you ask around, many technical graduates will agree that they are actually suffering in silence in their workplace. After arming themselves with an engineering, biotechnology, IT or a science based qualification, they come to realize their jobs are really not as glamorous as they thought as top management who often have lesser technical expertise have the last say in most business decisions. And there goes their technical qualification and job frustration sets in.

Technical graduates now have a golden opportunity to change all that through Binary’s MOT degree. Upon completion of a diploma in engineering, IT, biotechnology or any of the natural sciences, you can now upgrade to a degree that equips you with the management and entrepreneurial skills necessary for you to fast track your career to become a top-class manager or CEO of the future.


The BSc (Hons) in Management of Technology aims to produce Technical Managers who are able to combine their technical knowledge know-how with management expertise, leadership qualities and entrepreneurial skills.


Upon completion of this programme, you will be able

  • To be the bridge between technocrats and managers who are crucial for an organisation’s success.
  • To demonstrate knowledge and practical applications in a specialist technology area such as Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, Cloud Computing for management excellence.
  • To understand how information technology affects society, business and the individual, both from a technical, ethical and legal point of view.
  • To have an in-depth understanding of the appropriate theory, practices, languages and latest tools that may be deployed for the specification, design, implementation and evaluation of decision making systems.
  • To be able to work as an effective Project Manager and be a member of an development team.
  • To develop a range of cognitive abilities and skills relevant to the task of designing, developing and evaluating innovative solutions to business problems.


3 Years


The Binary MBA is designed by Global Industry Experts and serves to supply unique talents to forward thinking international corporations that are seek Talents, who are problem solves and tech-savvy, not just graduates.

While there are hundreds of good MBAs in the world market, the Binary MBA stands out as the World’s ONLY Industry Specialist MBA. The Binary MBA provides you the opportunity to earn a world-class MBA that empowers you to specialise in a specific industry that you are passionate to work in the future.

Offered under the auspicies of Binary Business School, one of Asia’s Oldest Business School, the Binary MBA has transformed students from over 60 countries to become business leaders and shapers. The Binary MBA not only offers cutting-edge modules such as AI, Business Analytics, Digital Marketing, Cross Cultural Dynamics and Corporate Entrepreneurship but helps transform one to possess an entrepreneurial mindset which is key to success in the complex business world of the today.

Due to all the above reasons, Binary MBA graduates have been enjoying outstanding graduate employability, better starting salaries and excellent global mobility.


The Binary MBA aims to produce Industry Specialist Professionals (ISPs) who possesses the following:

  • A thorough understanding of general management.
  • Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills necessary to function as an effective CEO or Manager.
  • In-depth practical knowledge of a specific industry.
  • Entrepreneurial and leadership skills needed to drive an organization to greater heights of success.

Upon completion of this program, students will be able :

  • To harness the power of AI, Cybersecurity and Technology Management to scale their organisations to achive outstanding business results.
  • To critically examine the role of entrepreneurship within a corporate environment and provide innovative solutions as intrapreneurs.
  • To analyze and solve complex managerial problems effectively.
  • To evaluate the impact of globalizations on people, businesses and the economy.
  • To communicate and present solutions effectively to various decision-makers.
  • To analyze how social and ethical issues affect organizational strategies, structures and systems.
  • To analyze a firm’s current behavior and recommend implementation of strategies to ensure sustainable competitive advantages.


Upon completion of the programme, graduates will be able:

  • To be a world-class Industry Specialist Professional who has in-depth knowledge of a specific industry and hence help propel the firm to a new levels of success.
  • To critically analyse and recommend appropriate, strategies for organisational excellence.
  • To execute decisions that can transform their business corporation to global prominence.
  • To conduct effective business research and adhere to legal, ethical and professional practices;
  • To demonstrate excellent managerial and leadership qualities to ensure sustainability and growth of their business;
  • To generate innovative solutions to problems using scientific and critical thinking skills.


16 Months


This programme is designed to prepare students to work in a professional sphere following graduation and it provides graduates with a solid foundation in research necessary to embark or scale up in an academic or research career. This programme also provides a sound foundation towards pursuing a PHD course. 

Benchmarked against the highest international standards, the MPhil by research curricula is designed to enable students to develop their capabilities to engage in critical intellectual enquiry, demonstrate a thorough understanding of research methodologies and apply research techniques at an advanced level to provide innovative solutions to complex problems.


The aim of the programme is to train highly-skilled researchers to succeed in both academic and non-academic positions that demand excellent research expertise. The programme applies a hybrid approach, offering both traditional, research-related training methods, as well as for the development of practical skills relevant to a particular specialization.



Upon completion of the programme, graduates will be able :

  • To evaluate one’s own research in relation to important and current issues in their chosen field, thus building to become a globally respected professional in their field.
  • To demonstrate critical understanding, at an advanced level, of up-to-date knowledge and research methodology in a particular field.
  • To implement effective academic and personal strategies for carrying out research projects independently and ethically.
  • To contribute original knowledge in response to issues in their chosen specialist area.
  • To communicate their research findings current to a global audience.


2 Years





Research Methodology Workshop


Completion of module

Advanced Seminars


6 seminars on contemporary issues

Proposal Defence


Formal Presentation

Publication of 1 Article

Presentation in International Conference


Either in Scopus/ ERA or WOS Indexed Journals



Formal Presentation


  • Healthcare Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Islamic Banking & Finance
  • Quality Management
  • Environment Management
  • Tourism
  • International Marketing
  • Finance
  • Entrepreneurship & Innovation
  • Leadership


There is a global shortage for well qualified Education Managers as Educational professionals helming these positions in schools, education agencies and ministries are often trained as teachers and not as education managers.

The Binary MSc in Education Management degree prepares students for leadership roles in various professional settings in the Education Sector. Apart from students, principals and  teachers as well as other education professionals who do not have a management background will find this program to be extremely useful as they will be able to learn to manage organizations efficiently, optimise usage of resources and develop feasible and innovative solutions to issues in education.

The program also provides opportunities for academic and professional development that encourages intellectual engagement, reflection and debate as the program is patronised by high number of participants from the international market.


This programme has been developed to impart professional management knowledge and techniques as well as enable students to confidently, creatively and innovatively solve management problems in the education industry. The programme also equips students with awareness, knowledge and competencies that are critical for efficiently handling current responsibilities and future developments in the field of educational management and administration.


Upon completion of the programme, graduates would be able to:

  • Apply and integrate knowledge relating to current research issues in a specific area of study;
  • Apply appropriate research techniques to acquire, interpret and extend educational knowledge in the chosen area of study;
  • Demonstrate the capability to communicate, lead and work together in building new knowledge;
  • Synthesize advanced knowledge and engage in problem solving and use of scientific skills;
  • Demonstrate the capabilities and dispositions to work as engaged professional educators in building learning communities of the future;
  • Design and conduct research professionally and ethically; and
  • Continuously, incrementally and cumulatively develop encyclopaedic general knowledge and diverse individual talents and potentialities.


2 Years


The School of Technology Management or STM at Binary University is among the oldest IT schools in Malaysia. It is a pioneer in offering industry relevant programs and among the first to offer postgraduate degrees in IT and computer science. The MSc ITM has an alumni spanning across the globe and its graduates are much sought after by employers because of the industry-specific skills they possess.


The aim of the MSc ITM is to produce hybrid IT managers who are proficient in both the technical aspects of Information Technology and the management aspects of a business enterprise. By producing technology-savvy business decision makers who understand how current and emerging technologies can best be applied to make their organizations more profitable, productive competitive and sustainable. Binary graduates are well-positioned to face the new challenges of the 21st century.


Upon completion of the programme, graduates should be able to:

  • Apply and integrate knowledge on current research issues in IT and IR4.0 to produce work that is at the forefront of developments in the domain of the information technology management;
  • Evaluate and analyse computing solutions in terms of their usability, efficiency and effectiveness;
  • Develop computing solutions and use necessary tools to analyse their performance;
  • Apply existing techniques of research and enquiry to acquire, interpret and extend, knowledge in computing;
  • Communicate and function effectively individually and as a member of a team.
  • Prepare, publish and present technical material to a diverse audience; and
  • Demonstrate behaviour that is consistent with codes of professional ethics and responsibilities assigned.


2 Years


Whether you are in USA, Asia, Africa or anywhere else in the world, the top news in major newspapers are always related to accounting and finance. Following the financial crisis, the practice of accounting, auditing and corporate governance have become highly sophisticated due to the transformation brought about by technological developments, the globalization of capital markets, financial engineering and changes in regulations. These changes and trends have created an increased demand for a new breed of professionals with strong analytical ability and specialist knowledge in the field of accounting and finance.  

The Binary MSc in Accounting and Finance degree prepares students for leadership roles in various professional settings. Apart from students, accountants and other professionals who do not have an accounting background will find this program to be extremely useful as they will be able to learn to manage organizations efficiently, optimize usage of resources and develop feasible solutions to issues in accounting and finance.

The program also provides opportunities for academic and professional development that encourages intellectual engagement, reflection and debate as the program is patronized by participants from the world market.


The MSc in Accounting and Finance is a specially designed program to equip students with the contemporary knowledge and skills to help meet the financial goals of an enterprise.

The aim of the program is to equip students with sound accounting and finance capabilities including critical analysis, research as well as analytical and numerical skills. The program will provide students the opportunity to acquire specialized knowledge in international accounting, global financial markets, finance, fintech and investment.


Upon completion of the programme, graduates would be able:

  • To demonstrate advanced understanding of accounting and finance knowledge;
  • To critically evaluate literature to identify knowledge gap, apply appropriate research methodology, analyse data using qualitative/quantitative techniques and interpret research findings in Accounting and Finance;
  • To demonstrate innovation abilities in the application of knowledge and suggest possible solutions to accounting and finance issues;
  • To analyse to business and social issues in the Accounting and Finance field;
  • To generate strategic solutions to problems using analytical and critical thinking skills in Accounting and Finance;
  • To present research finding in Accounting and Finance field;
  • To manage information for lifelong learning in Accounting and Finance field;
  • To apply values, ethics, morality and professionalism in their carrying out their responsible Accounting and Finance professionals and
  • To demonstrate leadership qualities through communicating and working effectively with peers and stakeholders in the Accounting and Finance field.


2 Years

Modules Offered

MSc by Research in Accounting & Finance



Year 1


Research Methodology


Seminar 1


Seminar 2


Seminar 3


 Seminar 4


Seminar 5


Seminar 6


Proposal Defence

Year 2


Writing of the Thesis


Publication of Article(s) in Scopus/ERA (from 2024)


Presentation in International Conference (from 2024)


Viva and Submission


Social Entrepreneurship is a relatively new field in Academia that focuses on solving societal problems through the creative and innovative use of business principles and markets to solve social problems of the poor and disadvantaged communities. The creation and up scaling of innovative enterprises in the social sector, whether nonprofit or for-profit, is at the core of social entrepreneurship. Social entrepreneurs act as change agents in the social sector and create and sustain social value.


Our MSc in Social Entrepreneurship (By Research) is unique in that it combines classroom learning with practical field experience and exposure. During this programme, students will be required to create a new social enterprise, or contribute to improving an existing one. The programme aims to produce graduates who are not only theorists, but also industry exposed.


Institutional theory framework and debates in social entrepreneurship. Social Innovation and entrepreneurship. Impact Assessment in Social Entrepreneurship. Enhancing the Impacts of the Non Profit Sector on Leadership and Job Creation. Social Transformation through Social Entrepreneurship. Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship. The Contribution of Social Entrepreneurship to Sustainable Development. Addressing persistent social problems through Social Entrepreneurship. Managing Social Enterprises. Promoting Women’s Entrepreneurial Intentions through Social Entrepreneurship.


Taught Modules/ Workshops




1st Module

Research Methodology




Introduction to

Social Entrepreneurship










Social entrepreneurship is not so much a career but it is a calling that propels individuals to dedicate their lives to social outcomes. Social Entrepreneurs can create their own employment when they set up Social Enterprises. Others can work for existing Social Enterprises or Ventures. Career opportunities also exist to participate in social entrepreneurship as business or financial consultants, social venture capital investors, mentoring entrepreneurs, or as board members for these organizations.


The Doctor of Philosophy or PhD is the highest research – based academic degree one can earn from a university. By its very nature, a research degree is an individual pursuit. As such, students will be expected to design and develop their own research strategies, pursue original lines of thought and present novel research findings. PhD students are required to make an original and new contribution to the body of knowledge every PhD candidate will create a singular unique piece of work that will help their own personal and career development. The PhD research will also contribute to the advancement and diversity of research at the University

The Binary PhD is unique in that

◼  It is a milestone-based PhD, thus every candidate is guided professionally and meets every 6 months with the Academic Committee of BGS to agree on progress made and continuation of the PhD journey.

◼  It provides excellent networking opportunities with other international participants as it is patronised by academics from all over the world.

◼  It provides PhD candidates the opportunity to participate in Global Research Projects, International Conferences and Joint Publishing initiatives even after graduating from the PhD program.


The aim of the Binary PhD is to produce graduates with excellent research and analytical skills who are well-equipped to serve in academia, research institutions, public service and industry.


Upon completion of this program, candidates will be able:

  • To synthesize knowledge and contribute to original research that broadens the frontier of knowledge in a relevant field.
  • To adapt practical skills leading to innovative ideas in relevant fields.
  • To provide expert advice to society in the chosen field of specialisation.
  • To conduct research independently and adhere to legal, ethical and professional codes of practice.
  • To display leadership qualities through communicating and working effectively with peers and stakeholders.
  • To appraise problems in the relevant field critically using scientific skills.
  • To integrate information for lifelong learning.
  • To publish in peer reviewed publications and present their work in international conferences.


The programme requires the completion of an Audit course, attend Seminars and Conferences, publish research articles and successfully defend a Thesis of 100,000 words.


Among the research areas one can undertake to complete the Binary PhD are as follows:

  • Management
  • Finance
  • Education
  • Marketing
  • Information Technology (Cybersecurity, IOT, AI, Cloud Computing etc)
  • Human Resource Management
  • Tourism
  • Environment
  • Entrepreneurship (Business Entrepreneurship ise, SME, Social Entrepreneurship etc)
  • Leadership
  • Accounting
  • Gender Issues and Women Leadership



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Research Methodology Course

Selection of Research Topics ,and Formulating Research Proposals

Data Collection and Data Analysis,

Write up of First Draft of Thesis and Candidature Defence

Correction of Thesis Write up of Final Thesis and Submission and Viva

The normal period of study is 36 months for full-time students and between 48 to 72 months for part-time students. In year one, students are required to undertake a structured and intensive research training programme; part-time students can spread this over two years. Its purpose is to expose the student to core research skills such as identifying research topics and problems, formulating research questions objectives and hypotheses, crafting research designs and collecting data, qualitative and quantitative data analysis . In subsequent years of study, students undertake, with the guidance of their supervisors, research in their chosen field of  study. The programme is completed by submitting a final thesis for examination.


The following research centres at the Binary Graduate School will provide support to the PhD students throughout their research journey .

  • The Centre for Social Entrepreneurship (CSE)
  • The Centre for Advancement of Management (CAM)
  • The Asia Centre for Entrepreneurship (ACE)
  • The Centre for Women Leadership (CWL)
  • The ICT Centre for Research Excellence (ICT)
  • The Centre for Teaching & Learning Excellence (TLE)


To apply for PhD, the following are required :

  • A recognized MBA or business related qualification such as the MA (HRM), MSc (Marketing) for the management specializations or
  • A recognized Masters in IT, computer science or engineering for the IT specialization or
  • A recognized Masters in Education or related specialisation for those wishing to undertake the PhD with research areas in Education.
  • Note: Those with an engineering or technical qualification who wish to undertake the PhD with management specializations will need to complete a PhD conversion course of 3 months)
  • A minimum IELTS score of 6.0 or its equivalent, or completion of an approved English course may be accepted


Kindly apply by completing the registration form and enclose the following

  • Degree certificates & transcripts and translations, if not in English.
  • Applicants whose first language is not English, please provide proof of English Language proficiency by submitting Certificates of  Achievements in International in English Language  Assessment such as IELTS, TOEFL etc.


The Doctor of Business Administration or DBA is an applied research degree (professional degree) pursued by Senior Management professionals who wish to earn a doctoral degree that focuses on the practical applications rather than the academic emphasis that a PhD offers. Graduates of both the DBA and PhD are entitled to use the title “Dr”.

The Binary DBA is a world-class program with an outstanding alumni comprising of Ministers, Bank Governors, Top Civil Servants, CEOs and Senior Managers hailing from Europe, Middle East, Africa, Central Asia and South East Asia.

The Binary DBA is also delivered globally at strategic locations in Asia, Africa, Indian Sub-Continent and Europe.


The aim of this program is to equip CEOs and Senior Managers with contemporary management thinking and research skills to enable them to take their organizations to greater heights.

Upon completion of this program, candidates will be able

  • To cultivate the ability to critically review findings in current management and business research.
  • To apply new management knowledge as a transformational leader to solve complex organizational issues.
  • To increase awareness of professional practice in leading and managing organizations with particular emphasis in adopting entrepreneurial approaches that use creative and innovative solutions.
  • To critically analyse the financial health of firms including its operational cost, business risks and execute strategies to ensure sustainability of their organisations.
  • To re-evaluate Pre-Covid investments and operational decisions and map out strategies that is in tandem with current realities.


The Binary DBA comprises 8 taught modules and an Applied Research (Thesis) which are as follows

Module No.

Name of Module


Transformational Leadership


Global Issues in Entrepreneurship


International Marketing


Financial Management


Human Resource Management


Strategic Management in Action


Research Methodology


Current Management Issues


Applied Research (Thesis)


The Binary DBA is taught by an international faculty of thought leaders who are highly qualified academically and are armed with wide industry experience. The DBA Faculty is handpicked by a Special Doctoral Committee comprising of the Senate and Industry Academic Panel to ensure they meet international standards of the highest order.


The entire DBA can be completed without the need for candidates to leave their job or  family . Students can complete the program at Binary University’s main campus in Malaysia, at University of Zambia in Lusaka, Zambia or Loyola College in Chennai, India.

Students can complete the Binary DBA in 48 months by completing 1 module every 4 months. Presented as a modular program,you will need to study only one module at any one point of time . The module on offer each time (every 4 months) will be scheduled by the Binary Graduate School (BGS). In the Final Year, you will complete the Applied Research Thesis.

  • Each module will be offered over 5 days Monday to Friday (10.00am to 5.00pm) every
  • Classes will be conducted at  Binary University, Malaysia at Lusaka, Zambia or Loyola, Chennai by the flying Faculty from Binary University. Candidates can choose any of these 3 locations to study.
  • All modules will be assessed 100 % based on Assignments.

Note : Detailed time-table for the year will be given at the start of the program




• 5 Credits in at least 5 subjects at SPM level with a minimum of a pass in Bahasa Malaysia and Sejarah (History);


• 5 Credits (Grade C & above) in at least 5 subjects at IGCSE/O-Levels; or MQA Link (Click Here)


• 3 Credits (Grade B & above) in at least 3 subjects in UEC.




• IELTS : 4.0
 • TOEFL IBT : 30-31
 • Pearson (PTE) : 36
 • MUET : Band 3


Bachelor Degree



• 2 Passes in STPM with a minimum Grade C (GP 2.0) or its equivalent.


• 2 Passes (Grade A-D) in A-Level with a Pass in English and Mathematics at SPM/ O-Level/ IGCSE or its equivalent or MQA Link (Click Here)


• 5 Grade B’s in UEC with a Pass in Mathematics and English.


• Passed Matriculation in Foundation programme (minimum CGPA of 2.0).




• IELTS : 5.5
 • TOEFL IBT : 46
 • Pearson (PTE) : 51
 • MUET : Band 4


Master Degrees

  • Bachelor’s degree in related fields with a minimum CGPA of 2.75, or its equivalent qualification as accepted by the Senate.
  • Bachelor’s degree in related fields with a minimum CGPA of 2.50 and not meeting a CGPA of 2.75 can be accepted, subject to a rigorous internal assessment.
  • Bachelor’s degree in non-related fields with a minimum CGPA of 2.00 as accepted by the Senate and with relevant 5 years working experience, subject to a rigorous internal assessment.
  • Any other equivalent qualification accepted by the Malaysian Government /MQA .




• IELTS : 6.0

For more information please click HERE



  • A Masters degree in a related field accepted by the Senate@ Binary University
  • Other qualifications equivalent to a Masters degree that are accepted by the Senate



• IELTS : 6.0

For more information please click HERE



  • Master’s degree or its equivalent accepted by Senate@ Binary University
  • 5 Years Working  Experience 



• IELTS : 6.0

For more information please click HERE

Visa Processing Fees

Visa Processing

  RM 1,980

I Card (for Malaysian Immigration ID)

  RM      50 

Medical Examination fee

  RM      260

Student Pass (per year)          

  RM      200  

Insurance    (per year)

  RM      500 

  Total  Processing Fees (USD745)

  RM  2,990

Other Fees (After Student Visa Approval along with First Year Tuition Fees)

  International Admin Fee

RM  1,980

Personal Bond (refundable upon completion of course)

RM     750 

Registration Fee (per year)

RM     600 

Student ID card          

RM     20

Library Fee (per year)

RM     200 

All students will be required to pay annually the Registration Fees of RM600 and Library fees of RM200 per year. The tuition fees before and after MyBIG is as follows:



Note : Type of Hostel rooms can only be given based on availability.

All applications for the MyBIG Closing and Intake dates are as stated below

Intake Date

  • 7th October 2024
  • 29th November 2024
  • 17th February 2025

Application Closing Date

  • 15th September 2024 for October 2024 intake
  • 5th October 2024 for November 2025 intake
  • 30th November 2024 for February 2025 intake

All Malaysian students studying Full-Time  can apply for PTPTN study loan or EPF withdrawals, details of which are given below in Bahasa Melayu.


Untuk kemasukan Sesi Akademik bermula Julai 2024 / September 2024 sila memohon MyBIG, dengan klik butang pautan dibawah.


Surat tawaran akan dihantar kepada e-mail anda. Jika memerlukan Hostel, sila tandakan di ruang berkenaan.


  • Kembalikan Surat Terima Tawaran dengan bayaran yuran pendaftaran RM600.
  • Pada peringkat ini,anda hanya perlu bayar yuran pendaftaran sahaja. Tiada bayaran lain dikenakan.


  • Anda akan memulakan pengajian pada Julai 2024 / September 2024 di kampus induk Binary University di Puchong Selangor.
  • Anda perlu mohon pinjaman PTPTN dan PTPTN akan membayar yuran pengajian terus kepada Binary University.

Nota: Bagi pelajar yang tidak ingin mohon PTPTN, anda boleh membayar sendiri atau mohon mengeluarkan wang KWSP.


Syarat Permohonan PTPTN

Syarat-syarat permohonan pinjaman pendidikan adalah seperti berikut:

  • Warganegara Malaysia;
  • Berumur tidak melebihi 45 tahun pada tarikh memohon;
  • Telah mendapat surat tawaran daripada Binary University;
  • Telah membuka akaun SSPN-i/ SSPN-i Plus**.


Jumlah Pinjaman

Peringkat Pinjaman



Sekiranya pelajar atau penjaga pelajar disenaraikan sebagai penerima Bantuan Sara Hidup Rakyat (BSHR)

75% daripada pinjaman maksimum

Pendapatan keluarga tidak melebihi RM8,000 (tiada dalam data BSHR)

50% daripada pinjaman maksimum

Pendapatan keluarga melebihi RM8,000 (tiada dalam data BSHR)


Peringkat Pengajian

Jumlah Pinjaman tahunan bagi Program Ijazah




Ijazah Sarjana Muda (Sastera)





Peringkat Pengajian

Jumlah Pinjaman semester bagi Program Diploma





RM 6800 setiap semester X 5  semester (RM34000)

RM5100 X5 semeste (RM25500)

RM3400 setiap semester X 5 semester (RM17000)


 Nota : 

  • Pelajar Lepasan SPM perlu mengikuti program Foundation sebelum meneruskan ke program Ijazah. Bagi program Foundation pelajar perlu membiayai pembayaran RM9750 secara sendiri atau pengeluaran KWSP.
  • Jumlah Pinjaman PTPTN sebenar yang diberikan tertakluk kepada tahap pendapatan keluarga pemohon dan terma-terma lain saperti B40 atau M40.
  • Pembayaran boleh dibuat mengikut pembayaran semester RM5000 setiap semester.


Established in 1984, Binary University is a specialist university for Management, IT and Entrepreneurship.The university produces a unique breed of graduates called Industry Specialist Professional (ISP) graduates who are equipped with industry – specific skills and armed with extensive entrepreneurial skills. Due to these unique differentiating factors, the graduate employability rate of the university graduates (96%-100%) has been among the highest in the country. (Source: Tracer Study, MOHE)

Binary University offers courses at PhD, Doctorate, Masters as well as Bachelor degree levels. The University is patronized by international students from over 60 countries. Binary degrees are also being offered in Europe, Africa, Middle East, the Indian Sub-Continent and Central Asia through its Global Teaching Centres or Binary GTCs.

The university is supported by 6 dedicated research centres in social entrepreneurship, business entrepreneurship, women leadership, ICT, Teaching and Learning & advanced management. The university also produces a peer reviewed journal called the International Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship (IJME) which is subscribed internationally.

Quality education alone is not suffice to secure good paying jobs in today’s highly competitive job market.That is why at Binary we have a unique system of creating highly employable graduates through our Ecosystem Based Education Model.Using this model,you will be transformed to be an Industry Specialist Professional under our ISP Ecosystem,be equipped with an entrepreneurial mindset so that you can be creative and innovative using our BEE ecosystem and connect you to the thousands of Employers who are part of our BTI Ecosystem and seeking Industry Specialist Talents.

To apply, please click the button below.

For further enquiries, please send text using the Whatsapp  below.