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Established in 1984, Binary University is a leading institution in Asia for management, IT and Entrepreneurship education attracting students from over 60 countries. The university has been offering the prestigious Doctor of Business Administraion (DBA) since 2004.  This programme is delivered by an international faculty with extensive industry experience. The University is supported by 7 Research Centres of Excellence in Business Entrepreneurship, Technology Management, AI, & Data Analytics, Women Leadership, Social Entrepreneurship, ICT and Teaching & Learning.

The Binary Doctor of Business Administration or DBA is an applied research degree (professional degree) pursued by Senior Managers and CEOs who wish to earn a doctoral degree that focuses on the practical applications and action research rather than the academic emphasis that a PhD offers. Graduates of both the DBA and PhD are entitled to use the title “Dr”.

The Binary DBA is a world-class program with an outstanding alumni comprising of Bank Governors, Top Civil Servants, Ministers, CEOs and Senior Managers hailing from Europe, Middle East, Africa, Central Asia and South East Asia. The Binary DBA is also delivered globally at strategic locations in Asia, Africa, Indian Sub-Continent and Europe.


The aim of this program is to equip CEOs and Senior Managers with contemporary management thinking and action research skills to enable them to take their organizations to greater heights of success.

Upon completion of this program, candidates will be able

❖To cultivate the ability to critically review findings on current management thinking and business research.

❖To apply new management knowledge as a transformational leader to solve complex organizational issues.

❖To increase awareness of professional practice in leading and managing organizations with particular emphasis in adopting entrepreneurial approaches that use creative and innovative solutions.

❖To critically analyse the financial health of firms including its operational aspects, business risks, investment decisions and execute strategies to ensure sustainability and future growth of their organisations.

❖To re-evaluate Pre-Covid investments as well as be able to adopt the latest technologies and map out strategies that is in tandem with current realities.


The DBA comprises of 8 taught modules and a thesis Of the 8 thought modules, two (2) are self-learning modules. This part-time program is delivered using a “Block-Release Mode” where participants will complete each module in “blocks of 5days every 4months. The 8 taught modules will be covered over a period of 3 years and then candidates will embark on the Applied Research thesis.


The Binary DBA is unique in the world market in that it is taught by a Faculty of  international thought leaders who are highly qualified academically and are armed with wide industry experience. The DBA Faculty is handpicked by a Special Doctoral Committee comprising of the Senate and Industry Academic Panel to ensure they meet international standards of the highest order.


Locations: The entire DBA can be completed without the need for candidates to leave their job or family. Candidates can complete the entire program at Binary University Malaysia.

Delivery & Duration: Candidates can complete the Binary DBA in 48 months by completing 1 module every 4 months. Presented as a modular program, you will need to study only one module at any one point of time . The module on offer each time (every 4 months) will be scheduled by the Binary Graduate School (BGS). In the Final Year, you will complete the Applied Research Thesis. Futher details of the Binary DBA are as follows.

❖Each module will be offered over 5 days every 4months Monday to Friday from 10.00am to 5.00pm each day.

❖All modules will be assessed 100 % based on Assignments.

Note : Detailed time-table for the year will be given at the start of the program

The Binary DBA is patronized by decision-makers from the public, private and NGO sectors. Among our prominent DBA alumni includes the following leaders.

❖ Possess a recognized Masters degree in any business-related discipline, eg. MBA, MA Accounting, MA Economics etc AND

❖ Possess a minimum of 5 years managerial / supervisory experience.

❖ To apply, please click here to download the form (Click Here)

❖ Kindly send your completed form with your latest CV, copies of certificates to

❖ Upon receipt of your application , the Binary Graduate School will notify the results of your application within 2weeks through issuance of an Offer Letter or otherwise.

❖ You will be notified of the full details of the delivery of the modules by the BGS well in advance to enable you to seek leave from your employer.


❖ All students will be required to pay annually the Registration Fees of RM600 and Library fees of RM200 per year.

Intake Date

  • 7th October 2024
  • 29th November 2024
  • 15th January 2024
  • 17th February 2025

Application Closing Date

  • 15th September 2024 for October 2024 intake
  • 5th October 2024 for November 2025 intake
  • 30th October 2024 for January 2024 intake
  • 30th November 2024 for February 2025 intake