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The Doctor of Philosophy or PhD is the highest research – based academic degree one can earn from a university. By its very nature, a research degree is an individual pursuit. As such, students will be expected to design and develop their own research strategies, pursue original lines of thought and present novel research findings. PhD students are required to make an original and new contribution to the body of knowledge every PhD candidate will create a singular unique piece of work that will help their own personal and career development. The PhD research will also contribute to the advancement and diversity of research at the University

The Binary PhD unique in that

❖ It is a milestone-based PhD, thus every candidate is guided professionally and meets every 6 months with the Academic Committee of BGS to agree on progress made and continuation of the PhD journey.

❖ It provides excellent networking opportunities with other international participants as it is patronised by academics from all over the world.

❖ It provides PhD candidates the opportunity to participate in Global Research Projects, International Conferences and Joint Publishing initiatives during and after graduating from the PhD program.

❖ The aim of the Binary PhD is to produce graduates with excellent research and analytical skills who are well-equipped to serve in academia, research institutions, public service and industry.


Upon completion of this program, candidates will be able

❖ To synthesize knowledge and contribute to original research that broadens the frontier of knowledge in a relevant field.

❖ To adapt practical skills leading to innovative ideas in relevant fields.

❖ To provide expert advice to society in the chosen field of specialisation.

❖ To conduct research independently and adhere to legal, ethical and professional codes of practice.

❖ To display leadership qualities through communicating and working effectively with peers and stakeholders.

❖ To appraise problems in the relevant field critically using scientific skills.

❖ To integrate information for lifelong learning.

❖ To publish in peer reviewed publications and present their work in international conferences.


The programme requires

❖ Completion of an Audit course

Attend one of Seminars and Conferences

 ❖Publish research articles

Successfully defend a Thesis of 100,000 words.


Among the research areas candidates can undertake to complete the Binary PhD are as follows

❖ Management

❖ Finance

❖ Education

❖ Marketing

❖ Information Technology (Cybersecurity, IOT, AI, Cloud Computing etc)

❖ Human Resource Management

❖ Tourism

❖ Environment

❖ Entrepreneurship (Business Entrepreneurship ise, SME, Social Entrepreneurship etc)

❖ Leadership

❖ Accounting

❖ Gender Issues and Women Leadership

❖ The normal period of study is 36 months for full-time students and between 48 to 72 months for part-time students.

❖In year one, students are required to undertake a structured and intensive research training programme; part-time students can spread this over two years. Its purpose is to expose the student to core research skills such as identifying research topics and problems, formulating research questions objectives and hypotheses, crafting research designs and collecting data, qualitative and quantitative data analysis .

❖In subsequent years of study, students undertake, with the guidance of their supervisors, research in their chosen field of  study. The programme is completed by submitting a final thesis for examination

The following research centres at the Binary Graduate School will provide support to the PhD students throught teir research journey.

❖Centre for social Entrepreneurship (CSE)

❖Centre for Advancement of Management (CAM)

 ❖Asia Centre for Entrepreneurship (ACE)

 ❖Centre for Women Leadership (CWL)

 ❖ICT Centre for Research Excellence (ICT)

 ❖Centre for Teaching & Learning Excellence (TLE)

 ❖Centre for AI & Data Analytics (CAIDA)

The following are the conditions to apply to pursue the Binary PhD

❖A recognized MBA or business related qualification such as the MA (HRM), MSc (Marketing) for the management specializations or

❖A recognized Masters in IT, Computer Science or Engineering for the IT specialization or

❖A recognized Masters in Education or related specialisation for those wishing to undertake the PhD with research areas in Education.

❖A minimum IELTS score of 6.0 or its equivalent, or completion of an approved English course may be accepted

Note: Those with an engineering or technical qualification who wish to undertake the PhD with management specializations will need to complete a PhD conversion course of 3 months duration.

You can choose to pursue the Binary PhD in one of the following 2 ways.


As many lecture/teachers cannot afford to leave their jobs or families, the Block Release Mode provides them the opportunity to attend 10-DAY Residential every 6 months at our campus in Malaysia to complete the Audit curse, attend advanced seminars, prepare for publications and get professional supervision advice.

Method B : Summer-Winter Residential Program

For some applications e.g. from China, it is a requirement from their  Government that a minimum residential period must be observed for recognition purpose. For these candidates, the summer- Winter Residential Program has been specially-designed to allow them to attend in Jan-Feb (Winter) and July-Aug (Summer).

Kindly apply by completing the Registration Form and enclose the following

❖Degree certificates & transcripts and translations, if not in English.

❖ To apply, please click here to download the form (Click Here)

❖ Kindly send your completed form with your latest copies of certificates to

❖Applicants whose first language is not English, please provide proof of English Language proficiency by submitting Certificates of  Achievements in International in English Language  Assessment such as IELTS (Min 6.0), TOEFL etc.( For more information please click HERE)

❖ Upon receipt of your application , the Binary Graduate School will notify the results of your application within 2weeks through issuance of an Offer Letter or otherwise.


❖ The PhD fees can be paid on a yearly basis

❖ All students will be required to pay annually the Registration Fees of RM600 and Library fees of RM200 per year.

❖ If the PhD candidate takes longer than 3 years to complete the course, additional supervision fees of RM6000 per year will be charged.

Intake Date

  • 7th October 2024
  • 29th November 2024
  • 15th January 2024
  • 17th February 2025

Application Closing Date

  • 15th September 2024 for October 2024 intake
  • 5th October 2024 for November 2025 intake
  • 30th October 2024 for January 2024 intake
  • 30th November 2024 for February 2025 intake