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The MSc Education Management taught using Real Time Classes (RTC) with Residency option.

About Binary University

Established in 1984, Binary University will be celebrating its 40th Anniversary in two years time. The university is a specialist university for Management, IT and Entrepreneurship.

The university produces a unique breed of graduates called Industry Specialist Professional (ISP) graduates who are equipped with industry – specific skills and armed with extensive entrepreneurial skills. Due to these unique differentiating factors, the graduate employability rate of the university graduates has been among the highest in the country. (Source: Tracer Study, MOHE)

Binary University offers courses at PhD, Doctorate, Masters as well as Bachelor degree levels. The University is patronized by international students from over 60 countries.

Binary degrees are also being offered in Europe, Africa, Middle East, the Indian Sub-Continent and Central Asia through its Global Teaching Centres or Binary GTCs.

The university is supported by 6 dedicated research centres for Teaching & Learning, social entrepreneurship, business entrepreneurship, women leadership, ICT and advanced management. The university also produces a peer reviewed journal called the International Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship (IJME) which is subscribed internationally.

MSc in Education Management

There is a global need for well qualified Educational Managers as educational professionals helming these positions in schools, education agencies and ministries are often trained as teachers and not as educational leaders.

The Binary MSc in Education Management degree prepare candidates for leadership roles in various professional settings in the education sector. The degree combines sound academic knowledge, pratical skills and contemporary management thinking.

The aim of this program is to create Educational Leaders with advanced knowledge in a specialised area of education through research and to further equip such candidates with specific competencies in management to empower them to make well-informed managerial decisions.

This program will enable one to manage organizations efficiently, optimise usage of resources and develop feasible solutions to address issues in education. The program also provides opportunities for academic and professional development that encourages intellectual engagement, reflection and networking as the program is patronised by academics from the world market.

This program is suitable for

  • Current and future Principals, teachers and other education professionals with Bachelors in Education but do not have a management background.
  • Degree holders without Bachelors in Education but wish to work in the education sector. (These applicants need to complete 3 Pre-Audit modules as a bridging program)
  • Earn a Masters from an internationally recognized and reputed 5-Star rated university with a history of achievements spanning over 38 years.
  • Delivered using our unique Real Time Class (RTC) mode (LIVE CLASSES in accordance to your time zone, thus not interrupting your work and family commitments.
  • Graduate within 24 months with pathway to complete the Binary PhD through exemptions.
  • Complete 100% online at your own pace anytime anywhere.
  • Affordable fees with payment options that suit your budget.
  • Taught by highly Experienced Faculty of lecturers with industry experience.
  • Supported by an International Faculty of subject experts from America and Europe.
  • No exams!! Each module is assessed by completion of  Activities, Case studies and Projects.
  • Connect regularly with Binary professors who are available to answer your queries.

Upon completion of this programme, candidates will be able :

  • To demonstrate the uses of knowledge and skills which enable them to work effectively in a range of educational settings;
  • To demonstrate an awareness of interest in and commitment to the aims and values inherent in the theories and practices of education;
  • To demonstrate the capacity to use problem solving and scientific skills in implementing the curriculum relevant to the needs of learners in any particular educational settings;
  • To demonstrate a capacity for reflection and critical analysis of their own practice and for their own continuing professional development;
  • To demonstrate an understanding of the changing world and foster the development of professional mind-sets which are able to objectively weigh, make decisions, anticipate and accommodate innovation;
  • To continuously and incrementally develop encyclopedic general knowledge and diverse talents, and, potentialities;
  • To develop expertise in teaching, coaching and mentoring and build credibility to become role models in appropriate educational contexts; and
  • To be actively engaged in contributions to community development through professional organizations or other voluntary organizations.

The programme comprises of 2 Audit modules, Seminars / Workshops and a Thesis. However those who do not possess a Bachelors degree in Education are required to complete 3 pre-requisite audit modules as stated below :

I. Audit Modules

  1. Research Methodology
  2. Education Management

II. Pre-requisite audit modules (only for those without Bachelor degree in Education)

  1. Fundamentals of Education
  2. Education Pedagogy
  3. Psychology

III. Pratical Workshops

IV. Thesis

50,000-60,000 words

Research Areas

Educational Areas

  • Educational Planning
  • Educational Administration
  • Educational Organisation
  • Educational Supervision
  • Educational Evaluation
  • Educational Management
  • Educational Economics
  • Educational Ecommerce

 Managerial Areas

  • School Environment
  • Management
  • Higher Education
  • School Facilities
  • Stress Management
  • Performance management
  • Quality management
  • Management of Human
  • Management of Financial
  • Management of Material
  • Management of Machines
  • Management of Means or
  • Instructional Management
  • Effective Management
  • Time Management
  • Technology Management
  • Classroom Management
  • Organizational Management
  • Higher education Business
  • Personnel Management
  • Finance & Business
  • Virtual Management

General Education Areas

  • Professional Development
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • School Plant Management
  • School Community Relations
  • School Principals
  • Distance Learning
  • Policy and Regulations
  • Teacher Effectiveness
  • School Globalization
  • Politics of Education
  • Education & Autism
  • Technology Advancement
  • Nutrition Education
  • Supervisory Principal
  • Organizational Behaviour
  • School Administration

Duration : 24 months

Delivery Mode : This program will be delivered using the globally acclaimed Binary Real Time Class (RTC) mode. All classes and seminars are delivered LIVE according to your country time zone. Candidates who missed any class / seminars can view the recorded version which is available for 1 month on a On-Demand basis.



Your Time Zone

Module / Workshop



1st Saturday

3rd Saturday

8:30am – 10:30am

11:00am – 1:00pm


Module 1 will be taught over 4 Saturdays in 2 months. Similarly Module 2 will be covered over next 2 months.


1st Saturday

3rd Saturday

8:30am – 10:30am

11:00am – 1:00pm



1st Saturday

3rd Saturday

8:30am – 10:30am

11:00am – 1:00pm



1st Saturday

3rd Saturday

8:30am – 10:30am

11:00am – 1:00pm


5 – 9

1 Saturday per month for 5 months

9:30am – 11:30am

Workshop 1 – 5

Each month one subject expert will discuss current theories and practice in the respective fields of education and present 5 – 10 research ideas for the candidate to consider. A total of 25 – 50 research ideas will be proposed over the 5 workshops

10 – 11



Self study to prepare for Research Project

 Literature Reviews




Proposal Defence





Approval of supervisor





Project Report 1





Project Report 2





Project Report 3





Final Report (VIVA)


Upon successful completion of the audit modules, pre-requise audit modules (if applicable), workshop and the thesis, candidates will be awarded the MSc in Education Management plus a Transcript capturing all modules completed and workshops attended.

  • The tuition fees is USD8000 payable over 2years
  • Year 1 : USD4000
  • Year 2 : USD4000

A limited number of scholarship are available for International students based on merit. Please write in explaining why you deserve the scholarship.

Binary University telah meraihkan Ulangtahun ke- 38 baru-baru ini. Sempena ulangtahun ke 38, Senat Binary University  telah meluluskan pewujudan Biasiswa MyBinary Guru Sekolah Malaysia untuk membolehkan lebih ramai guru-guru  memartabatkan Profession Perguruan dan secara langsung  menyokong visi Kerajaan Malaysia.

Sebanyak 600 biasiswa bernilai RM16,000 (50% daripada yuran penuh) setiap satu disediakan bagi guru-guru di Malaysia melalui Biasiswa MyBinary – GSM untuk mengikuti program  MSc in Education Management secara Real Time Classes (RTC) online. Jumlah besar Biasiswa ini adalah sebanyak RM9.6 Juta.   Program ini telah memperoleh Akreditasi Penuh daripada Malaysian Qualifying Agency (MQA).

  • Yuran Biasa : RM 32000
  • Yuran Lepas Biasiswa : RM 16000
  • Yuran boleh dibayar ansuran lima(5) kali iaitu RM3200/=


Yuran Biasa

Yuran Lepas Biasiswa


RM 6400

RM 3200


RM 6400

RM 3200


RM 6400

RM 3200


RM 6400

RM 3200


RM 6400

RM 3200

12th Oct 2022 & 7th Dec 2022