Only University that Produces ISP Graduates.
While most universities around the world prepare one to become a well-rounded academic graduate, Binary University has gone one step beyond. All its graduates are groomed to become Industry Specialist Professional (ISP) graduates or ISPs. Binary University has developed IPs in more than 22 industries that helps to equip its graduates with industry-specific knowledge and skills.
One of the key reasons why graduate unemployment is increasing in many countries around the world is because graduates do not have the knowledge and skills that match what employers want and value. This is why all bachelor and master degree students studying at Binary University are required to complete the ISP Certification. The ISP Graduate Program runs parallel with your degree and is driven by the ISP Centre of Excellence @ Binary University. The ISP Centre of Excellence is supported by over 280 Faculty of Industry Professionals or FIPs, giving students the opportunity to specialize in a wide range of sub-sectors, thus making them highly valuable to employers.
Ambitious people from all over the globe who thirst for the latest thinking in business, IT or entrepreneurship has been patronizing the University for nearly 35 years because it is the ONLY University that transforms its graduates to become Industry Specialist Professional graduates and provides extensive entrepreneurial skills through its comprehensive entrepreneurial ecosystem. The University’s Graduate Employability rate of 96% (source: MOHE Tracer Study) is among the highest in the nation and speaks volume of the ISP advantage.