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Enchance Your Career Prospects using the Binary-TTP Scholarship !!
Benefit from the USD3000 Grant per teacher provided under the Binary-TTP Scholarship Fund and earn a Professional Certificate in Teaching Excellence (PCTE) or become a Certified Academic Research Expert(CARE) from a globally recognised university.


Established in 2007, the Centre for Teaching and Learning is one of the 7 Centres of Excellence (COEs) at Binary University. The other COEs are as follows

The Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) is committed to advancing the field of education through rigorous research, scholarly publications and comprehensive training programs. Our dedication stems from a profound belief in the transformative power of education and the pivotal role teachers play in shaping the future. By fostering a culture of inquiry, innovation, and collaboration, CTL strives to enhance teaching practices, empower educators and ultimately enrich the lives of learners worldwide.

Established with a vision to be a global leader in educational research and professional development, CTL serves as a hub for multidisciplinary exploration and dissemination of best practices in teaching and learning. Our multifaceted approach encompasses not only theoretical inquiry but also practical applications aimed at addressing the evolving needs of educational communities.

At CTL, we recognize that effective teaching is not merely a skill but an art informed by research, reflection, and ongoing professional growth. Therefore, we are committed to providing educators with the tools, knowledge, and support necessary to excel in their roles. From short term training courses to advanced degree programs, our offerings are designed to cater to the diverse needs and aspirations of educators at every stage of their careers.

All CTL programs are delivered by a world- class faculty comprising subject experts with over 20 years’ experience. CTL Faculty are hand-picked by a special committee made of top management professionals of the University and headed by the Vice Chancellor.

The CTL offers 3 Flagship programs namely

Certified Academic Research Expert (C.A.R.E) Program
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Courses
MSc/ PhD in Education Management

the vision at CTL is to cultivate a dynamic educational ecosystem where innovation thrives, excellence is celebrated and every educator has the opportunity to reach their full potential. We aspire to be a catalyst for positive change in education by fostering a culture of continuous learning, experimentation and adaptation.

Driven by a commitment to excellence and equity, we envision a future where all learners have access to high quality education facilitated by skilled and empowered teachers. Through our research initiatives, publications and professional development programs, we aim to contribute meaningfully to the advancement of teaching and learning practices globally.

Mission Statement

The mission of CTL is to promote excellence in teaching and learning through research, publication, and professional development initiatives. Grounded in evidence-based practices and informed by the latest research findings, our mission is threefold:

Conducting Research: CTL is dedicated to conducting rigorous research that advances our understanding of effective teaching and learning strategies. Through empirical inquiry, theoretical exploration, and interdisciplinary collaboration, we seek to generate insights that inform educational policy and practice.

Disseminating Knowledge: We are committed to sharing our research findings and best practices with the broader educational community through scholarly publications, conferences and workshops. By fostering a culture of knowledge exchange and collaboration, we aim to empower educators with the resources and insights they need to enhance their teaching practices.

Empowering Educators: CTL provides a range of professional development opportunities, including short term training courses and advanced degree programs, designed to empower educators with the knowledge, skills, and support necessary to excel in their roles. By investing in the professional growth and development of teachers, we aim to improve educational outcomes and enrich the lives of learners worldwide.

Through our research, publications and professional development initiatives, CTL is dedicated to advancing the field of education and empowering educators to make a positive impact in their classrooms, schools and communities.


The heart and soul of a great education system are its teachers. Teachers transform the knowledge in textbooks to life through their engaging lessons and inspire students to achieve their full potential. Countries that have topped the charts in the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) Study has consciously  invested in enhancing the calibre of teachers who in turn are empowered to continuously improve the performance of schools and their students.

While it is expected that teachers would have undergone a formal Teachers Training Program (TTP) before embarking on a career in teaching, most TTPs often do not equip teachers to become world-class educators. To be a world-class educator, teachers have to be prolific researchers. Through research, teachers can enhance their potential as well as adopt creative and innovative ways to teach, inspire and engage with their students. The CARE Program was developed to meet this vacuum.


 The aim of this course is to transform school teachers into world-class educators by equipping participants with advanced knowledge of research methodologies and analytic techniques to empower them to carry out impactful research and publish in internationally recognized journals. This course also provides the opportunity for school teachers to become Associate Professors through our Research Mentorship and Program.


Upon completion of this course, participants will be able

To identify the essentials of good research design and advanced knowledge of quantitative and qualitative research methodologies.

To choose and apply appropriate techniques for the analysis and interpretation of data.

To apply key statistical concepts and use appropriate statistical packages effectively.

To identify, evaluate and critically appraise research evidence.

To carry out, interpret and disseminate results from appropriate data analysis.

To critically evaluate research articles and methods.

To write and publish articles in globally recognized international journals.

Target Audience

This course is specially designed for teachers at Secondary Schools, Smart Schools and High Performance Schools who aspire to become world-class educators.

Course Delivery & Duration

 This 4 – months course is delivered 100% ONLINE

Via Real Time (LIVE) Classes using Zoom.

Over 6 classes of 3 hours each.

On alternative Saturdays for 3 months (2 Classes per month from 2.30pm – 5.30pm Msian Time).

Where the 4th month is dedicated to the completion of the Publishing Project.


► Month 1: Research Design Stage

* Background of research

* Articulating a problem statement for research

* Developing research objectives, questions and hypothesis

* Research design: quantitative and qualitative methods

► Month 2:  Research Implementation Stage

* Literature survey vs Literature review

* Theoretical, conceptual and research framework

* Unit of analysis, sample frame and size

* Developing a questionnaire


► Month 3: Research Findings & Analysis Stage

* SPSS skill

* Data entry and interpretation through SPSS

* Reliability and Validity

* Experimental and Correlational Designs

* Month 4 (Project) : To publish in an international journal through assistance of Binary University’s Professors from CTL.

Participants will be awarded the Certified Academic Research Expert certification by Binary University and will receive 18 CPD points.

Able to apply Research to enhance your Teaching Practice.

Transforms a good teacher to become a Professional Researcher.

Helps to achieve the status of a true World-Class educator by publishing in leading global journals.

Networks teachers to the Global Teaching Community as teachers from all over the world patronise CTL.

In conjunction with Binary University’s 40th Anniversary, the MyBinary- Teachers Transformation Program (TTP) Scholarship Fund of USD 30 Million was approved by the Senate to ease the financial burden of teachers in meeting the cost of attending the CARE and CPD courses.

The normal fees for the C.A.R.E program is USD3995.

If you are a Teacher in a primary or secondary school in your country, you only need to pay USD995 (each teacher is allocated a USD3000 tuition fee waiver grant). Kindly upload your Teacher I/D no. to enjoy the US3000 tuition fee waiver.

The next intake is on the 7th September 2024.

The application dateline is on the 7th August 2024.

Early Bird Closing Date : Those who pay by 31st July are eligible for the early bird discount of USD60 and need to pay only USD935

If you need an Official Letter of Acceptance from the University, please indicate in the Registration Form. (Use message column provided in Registration Form)

For any enquiries, please e-mail

Method 1 : Your payment must be made to the following Bank Account of the University:

Bank Account Details
Account Holder:Binary University Sdn Bhd
Bank Account Number:3106397230
Bank Name:Public Bank
Bank Branch:Puchong Jaya
Bank Address:10, Jalan Kenari Satu, Bandar Puchong Jaya, 47100 Selangor, Malaysia

Method 1 : You may also make the payment via Flywire and choose the “Other Payments” option click here

❖ Upon receipt of your tuition, you will be given a SPECIAL PASSWORD to attend our ONLINE CLASSES.

❖ All courses will be delivered LIVE (according to your time zone) and the duration of each session will be 3 hours on 2 Saturdays per month (2.30 – 5.30pm Malaysian time)

❖ In the event, you are unable to attend any of the LIVE classes, you can still access the RECORDED VERSION stored in our web portal.

To apply, please click APPLY NOW

These courses offer a range of opportunities for teachers to enhance their skills, stay current with educational trends, and improve their effectiveness in the classroom. These courses additionally further expand the range of professional development opportunities available for teachers, ensuring they have access to the latest instructional strategies and tools.

The 8 CPD courses that are offered by CTL for the 2024-2025 calendar year are as follows

  1. Effective Classroom Management

Aim: To equip teachers with strategies to manage classroom behavior and create a positive learning environment.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand various classroom management theories and techniques.
  • Implement strategies to foster student engagement and cooperation.
  • Develop a classroom management plan tailored to individual teaching styles and student needs.


  • Improved student behaviour and engagement.
  • Enhanced classroom environment conducive to learning.
  • Reduced stress and burnout for teachers.


Day 1

  • Introduction to classroom management theories.
  • Identifying common classroom management challenges.
  • Establishing classroom rules and procedures.
  • Techniques for positive reinforcement and rewards.
  • Addressing disruptive behaviour.
  • Effective communication strategies.

Day 2

  • Building relationships with students.
  • Conflict resolution techniques.
  • Role-playing scenarios.
  • Creating a classroom management plan.
  • Implementing and evaluating the plan.
  • Reflective practice and continuous improvement.
  1. Integrating Technology in the Classroom

Aim: To enhance teachers’ ability to use technology effectively to support and enhance student learning.

Learning Outcomes

  • Gain proficiency in various educational technologies and tools.
  • Develop skills to integrate technology into lesson plans.
  • Understand best practices for using technology in the classroom.


  • Increased student engagement through interactive learning.
  • Enhanced ability to personalize learning experiences.
  • Improved digital literacy among students and teachers.


Day 1

  • Overview of educational technologies.
  • Tools for collaboration and communication.
  • Technology for formative and summative assessments.
  • Creating multimedia presentations.
  • Interactive whiteboards and smartboards.
  • Using tablets and mobile devices in the classroom.

Day 2

  • Incorporating educational apps and games.
  • Online resources and digital libraries.
  • Flipped classroom model.
  • Developing a tech-integrated lesson plan.
  • Implementing and assessing technology integration.
  • Troubleshooting common tech issues.
  1. Differentiated Instruction

Aim: To help teachers meet the diverse learning needs of all students through differentiated instruction strategies.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the principles of differentiated instruction.
  • Develop strategies to differentiate content, process, product, and learning environment.
  • Create lesson plans that accommodate diverse learners.


  • Improved student outcomes through personalized learning.
  • Increased engagement and motivation among students.
  • Enhanced ability to address individual student needs.


Day 1

  • Introduction to differentiated instruction.
  • Understanding student readiness, interest, and learning profiles.
  • Differentiating content.
  • Differentiating the process.
  • Differentiating the product.
  • Creating a flexible learning environment.

Day 2

  • Grouping strategies for differentiated instruction.
  • Using assessment data to inform differentiation.
  • Adapting curriculum for diverse learners.
  • Developing differentiated lesson plans.
  • Implementing differentiated instruction.
  • Reflecting on and refining practices.
  1. Problem-Based Learning (PBL)

Aim: To equip teachers with the skills to design and implement problem-based learning experiences.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the principles and benefits of PBL.
  • Develop the ability to create and manage PBL activities.
  • Assess student learning in a PBL environment.


  • Enhanced critical thinking and problem-solving skills in students.
  • Increased student engagement and motivation.
  • Opportunities for real-world application of knowledge and skills.


Day 1

  • Introduction to PBL.
  • Principles and benefits of PBL.
  • Designing PBL activities.
  • Managing PBL in the classroom.
  • Creating a PBL project timeline.
  • Integrating curriculum standards with PBL.

Day 2

  • Assessing student learning in PBL.
  • Providing feedback and guidance.
  • Presenting and sharing projects.
  • Reflecting on PBL experiences.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of PBL.
  • Planning for future PBL activities.
  1. Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)

Aim: To enhance teachers’ ability to support students’ social and emotional development.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the components of SEL.
  • Implement SEL strategies in the classroom.
  • Foster a supportive and inclusive classroom environment.


  • Improved student emotional well-being and academic performance.
  • Enhanced classroom climate and student relationships.
  • Reduced behavioral issues.


Day 1

  • Introduction to SEL.
  • The CASEL framework.
  • Building self-awareness and self-management skills.
  • Developing social awareness and relationship skills.
  • Responsible decision-making.
  • Integrating SEL into daily routines.

Day 2

  • Creating a positive classroom culture.
  • SEL activities and lesson plans.
  • Engaging families and communities in SEL.
  • Measuring SEL outcomes.
  • Addressing SEL challenges.
  • Reflecting on and sustaining SEL practices.
  1. Formative Assessment Techniques

Aim: To develop teachers’ skills in using formative assessments to inform instruction and support student learning.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the purpose and types of formative assessments.
  • Implement a variety of formative assessment techniques.
  • Use formative assessment data to guide instruction.


  • Improved student achievement through timely feedback.
  • Enhanced ability to identify and address learning gaps.
  • Increased student engagement and motivation.


Day 1

  • Introduction to formative assessment.
  • Types of formative assessments.
  • Designing effective formative assessments.
  • Implementing formative assessments in the classroom.
  • Providing effective feedback.
  • Using assessment data to inform instruction.

Day 2

  • Digital tools for formative assessment.
  • Peer and self-assessment techniques.
  • Developing a formative assessment plan.
  • Analyzing and interpreting assessment data.
  • Adjusting instruction based on data.
  • Reflecting on and improving assessment practices.
  1. Literacy Across the Curriculum

Aim: To enhance teachers’ ability to integrate literacy instruction across all subject areas.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the importance of literacy in all content areas.
  • Develop strategies to support reading and writing in different subjects.
  • Create lesson plans that incorporate literacy skills.


  • Improved student reading and writing skills.
  • Enhanced comprehension and critical thinking across subjects.
  • Increased student engagement in content learning.


Day 1

  • Introduction to literacy across the curriculum.
  • The role of literacy in different subjects.
  • Strategies for supporting reading comprehension.
  • Writing to learn: strategies and techniques.
  • Vocabulary development across subjects.
  • Integrating literacy into lesson plan

Day 2

  • Using texts and resources to support literacy.
  • Promoting discussion and critical thinking.
  • Assessing literacy skills in different subjects.
  • Developing a cross-curricular literacy plan.
  • Implementing literacy strategies.
  • Reflecting on and refining practices.
  1. AI for School Teachers

Aims : To equip educators with a foundational understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential applications in the classroom. This program will empower teachers to integrate AI concepts into their teaching strategies, enhancing student engagement and learning outcomes.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the two-day training, participants will be able to:

  • Understand basic concepts and terminology related to AI.
  • Recognize various AI tools and applications relevant to education.
  • Develop strategies for integrating AI into their teaching practices.
  • Address ethical considerations and potential challenges associated with AI in education.
  • Utilize AI to personalize and enhance student learning experiences.


  • Enhanced Understanding of AI: Teachers will gain a solid foundation in AI concepts, enabling them to better understand and explain these technologies to their students.
  • Improved Teaching Strategies: Participants will learn how to incorporate AI tools and applications into their teaching methods, making lessons more engaging and personalized for students.
  • Professional Development: The training will provide teachers with cutting-edge knowledge and skills, enhancing their professional development and keeping them up-to-date with technological advancements in education.


Day 1: Introduction to AI and its Educational Applications

Session 1: Introduction to AI (1 hour)

  • Overview of AI: Definition and history
  • Key concepts and terminology (machine learning, neural networks, algorithms, etc.)
  • Real-world applications of AI across different sectors

Session 2: AI in Education (1 hour)

  • How AI is transforming education
  • Examples of AI tools and applications used in classrooms (e.g., adaptive learning platforms, grading systems, virtual tutors)
  • Case studies of successful AI implementation in schools

Session 3: Hands-on Activities and Discussions (1 hour)

  • Interactive demonstrations of AI tools
  • Group discussions on potential uses of AI in participants’ own classrooms
  • Q&A session to address participants’ questions and concerns

Day 2: Integrating AI into Teaching Practices

Session 1: Developing AI-Enhanced Teaching Strategies (1 hour)

  • Best practices for integrating AI into lesson plans
  • Examples of AI-driven educational resources and activities
  • Collaborative planning session for creating AI-based projects or lessons

Session 2: Ethical Considerations and Challenges (1 hour)

  • Ethical issues related to AI in education (data privacy, bias, accountability)
  • Strategies for addressing and mitigating these challenges
  • Discussion on the future of AI in education and its implications for teaching and learning

Session 3: Implementation and Support (1 hour)

  • Steps for successfully implementing AI tools in the classroom
  • Resources and support networks for teachers using AI
  • Reflection and feedback session on the training program

By participating in this training program, school teachers will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to harness the power of AI, ultimately enriching the educational experiences of their students.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses offer numerous benefits for teachers, both economically and in other areas. Here are 8 key benefits:

Salary Increases: Many educational institutions offer higher pay for teachers who have completed CPD courses, recognizing their enhanced skills and expertise.

Increased Marketability: CPD can make teachers more competitive in the job market, increasing their chances of securing desirable positions in different schools or districts.

Job Security: Teachers who engage in CPD are often seen as more valuable employees, which can lead to greater job stability and reduced risk of layoffs.

Career Advancement: CPD can qualify teachers for promotions to roles such as senior teacher, department head, or administrative positions, which typically come with higher salaries.

Improved Student Outcomes: By continuously improving their skills, teachers can enhance their students’ learning experiences and outcomes, leading to higher student achievement and satisfaction.

Enhanced Teaching Skills: CPD helps teachers stay current with the latest educational research, teaching methods, and technologies, leading to more effective and engaging instruction.

Professional Growth: Continuous learning fosters personal and professional growth, keeping teachers motivated and inspired in their careers.

Networking Opportunities: CPD courses often provide opportunities to connect with other educators, share best practices, and build a professional support network.

A Professional Certificate in Teaching Excellence (with 24 CPD Points) will be awarded by Binary University in collaboration with CTL upon completion of all the 4 CPD courses.

A Certificate of Attendance will be awarded by CTL upon completion of each CPD course.

In conjunction with Binary University’s 40th Anniversary, The MyBinary- Teachers Transformation Program (TTP) Scholarship Fund of USD 30 Million was approved by the Senate to ease the financial burden of teachers in meeting the cost of attending CPD courses.

The normal fees for members of the public is USD825 per course.

If you are a Teacher in a primary or secondary school in your country, you only need to pay USD300 membership fee per year. (Please also check early bird registration incentive).

The USD300 membership fee entitles you to attend 4 CPD courses per year (total value USD3300).

Each teacher is allocated scholarship valued at USD3000 per year under the MyBinary – TTP Scholarship Fund. To enjoy this tuition waiver, kindly upload your Teacher ID No in the registration form.

There are 4 intakes per year (Aug, Nov, Feb, June each year). Teachers can choose 1 course per intake i.e. 4 courses per year. The following are the next 4 intakes for the 2024-2025 calendar.

(A) 17th Aug 2024: Choose ONE of the following courses.

(a) Effective Classroom Management

(b) Integrating Technology in the Classroom

(The above CPD courses will be conducted on 17/8 & 24/8)

(B) 2nd November 2024: Choose ONE of the following courses.

(c) AI for School Teachers

(d) Problem-Based Learning (PBL)

(The above CPD courses will be conducted on 2/11 & 9/11)

(C) 8th Feb 2025: choose any ONE of the following course

(e) Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)

(f) Formative Assessment Techniques

(The above course will be conducted on 8/2 & 22/2/2025)

(D) 7th June 2025: Choose any ONE of the following course

(g) Literacy Across the Curriculum

(h) Different Instruction

(The above course will be conducted on 7/6 & 14/6/2025)

The closing date for membership application is on the 7th August 2024.

For those who apply and pay by the 31st July 2024, the early bird membership fee is USD250.

For those who apply and pay after 31st July 2024, the membership fee is USD300.

If you need an Official Letter of Acceptance from the University, please indicate in the Registration Form. (Use message column provided in Registration Form)

For any enquiries, please e-mail


Method 1 : Your payment must be made to the following Bank Account of the University:

Bank Account Details
Account Holder:Binary University Sdn Bhd
Bank Account Number:3106397230
Bank Name:Public Bank
Bank Branch:Puchong Jaya
Bank Address:10, Jalan Kenari Satu, Bandar Puchong Jaya, 47100 Selangor, Malaysia

Method 2 : You may also make the payment via Flywire. Choose the “Other Payment” option. Click here

❖ Upon receipt of your tuition, you will be given a SPECIAL PASSWORD to attend our ONLINE CLASSES.

❖ All courses will be delivered LIVE (according to your time zone) and the duration of each session will be 3 hours on 2 Saturdays per month (2.30 – 5.30pm Malaysian time).

❖ In the event you are unable to attend any of the LIVE classes, you can still access the RECORDED VERSION stored in our web portal.

To apply, please click APPLY NOW


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